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I'm ready for it

If you’re here to break molds, own your story, and build a business that makes noise and cash, welcome to your new playground.

your Business is Stuck Because You’re Playing by Someone Else’s Rules.

Let’s get one thing straight—you’re not stuck because you don’t know enough or aren’t hustling hard enough.

You’re stuck because you’re still playing by someone else’s rules and hiding from your own power. You’re following all the “right” steps, checking all the boxes, and yet, you’re still circling the same damn mountain. Why? Because deep down, you’re afraid of what happens when you go all in on you.

The parts of you that you’ve been told are “too much,” “too intense,” or “too risky”—that’s where your magic is. But instead, you’ve been trying to fit into a mold that was never made for you. You’re hustling on someone else’s path when you should be tearing up the rulebook and making your own.

The shadows you’ve been avoiding? They hold the gold, the fire, the raw power that could change everything. But first, you’ve got to stop pretending that playing small is going to get you big results.

Your business doesn’t need another damn strategy.

It needs YOU—fully unleashed, unapologetic, and unafraid to dig into the deep, messy stuff that’s been running the show. When you stop hiding from your shadows and start owning every part of yourself—your fears, your quirks, your drive—you become the most dangerous person in the room.

And that’s when the game changes

I’m Not Here to Coddle You—I’m Here to Challenge You.

I’m Caitlin 

I work with the fearless, the fierce, and the fed-up—coaches, mentors, business owners, and service providers who are done playing small and ready to blow the roof off their potential.

You’ve done the courses, followed the strategies, and worked on your mindset, yet something still isn’t clicking. Here’s the truth: It’s not about piling on more to-do’s; it’s about stripping away the BS, stepping into your full, unapologetic self, and pairing that with the right strategies that actually align with who you are.

My approach? Shadow work, embodiment, and no-bullsh*t coaching that gets straight to the heart of what’s holding you back, combined with strategic moves that are custom-built for you. Sure, I’ve got the creds—Masters in Life Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy, B.Sci Psychology, B. Sci Nutrition—but what really matters is the battle-tested experience of breaking free from the grind and helping over 1000 driven-as-hell clients do the same.

So, here’s how it is: If you’re done tiptoeing around your potential and you’re ready to own your shadows, flip the script, and turn that hidden power into something unstoppable—with a strategic edge that’s tailored to your bold vision—then we need to talk.

But let’s get one thing straight—I’m not here for excuses, half-measures, or anything less than total commitment.

I’m here for women ready to ditch the gloves, roll up their sleeves, and build a business that’s as bold, brave, and badass as they are, backed by strategy that makes it all click.

Read more about me

Stop working against yourself and start living the way you’ve always wanted with my 1:1 coaching, group programs and self-paced courses.


It all starts here

Breakdown your mindset barriers and create your own epic success with coaching and programs specifically designed for ambitious biz owners like you.

Don’t have a biz but want to break out of self-sabotage?


Are you a badass business-owner?

This Is Not for the Faint of Heart.

Here’s the deal: this work isn’t cute, comfortable, or easy. It’s raw, it’s real, and it will push you to your limits.

Shadow work isn’t about throwing a few affirmations at your problems and calling it a day. It’s about getting your hands dirty, diving deep into the stories and fears that have held you back, and tearing them out at the roots. This is for the women who are done with surface-level fixes and ready to face their shadows head-on.

You don’t need to be “healed” to start, and you sure as hell don’t need to “feel ready.” You just need to be tired of your own BS and willing to go where most people won’t—deep into the parts of yourself you’ve been avoiding. You need to be ready to question everything you’ve been taught about money, success, and your own worth.

If you’re here to break the chains, heal your sh*t, and build the business and life you were made for, then this is your moment. It’s not about perfection; it’s about courage. It’s about facing the darkness and emerging stronger, richer, and more powerful than you ever imagined.


- Rachel, Life Coach

"I thought I had my sht together until Caitlin came along and blew up everything I thought I knew—in the best way possible. I’d been playing it safe for so long, hiding behind excuses and fears around money and worth. Four months in, I launched a new group coaching program, raised my one-on-one prices, and doubled my monthly revenue from 7k to 14k. By month six, I’d crossed the 25k mark! And the best part? I’m actually excited about my business again. Caitlin gives you the push to get uncomfortable, get real, and get paid."

Sarah, Business Coach

"Working with Caitlin was like stepping into a new world—a world where I finally felt seen, understood, and empowered to reclaim my worth. I used to be terrified of raising my prices and constantly bent over backward for clients who didn’t see my value. Caitlin guided me to confront the shadows of self-doubt and fear that were running the show. She didn’t just offer solutions; she held space for me to feel everything I needed to feel to heal. Today, I stand in my power. I’ve doubled my rates, I’m attracting clients who light me up, and I’ve reached my first 20k month! But the real win? I finally trust myself. Caitlin helped me turn my wounds into wisdom, and I’m forever grateful."

Jessica, Health & Wellness coach

"I never realized how much fear I had around money until I started working with Caitlin. Every time I even thought about my finances, I’d get this knot in my stomach and shut down. Caitlin didn’t just teach me about money; she helped me understand the deeper layers—those old stories and shadows that kept me in a scarcity mindset. Through her support and guidance, I faced my fears head-on and started healing. Now, I have a thriving business that’s tripled in revenue, but more importantly, I feel a deep sense of calm and confidence around money that I never thought possible. Caitlin helped me find safety within myself, and that’s priceless."

Amanda, Creative Entrepreneur

"If you’d told me a year ago I’d be hitting consistent 5-figure months, I would’ve laughed in your face. My ‘strategy’ was basically just hustling like a madwoman and hoping for the best. Caitlin’s shadow work process was like stepping into a truth-telling vortex. She cracked me open and made me face the parts of myself that were terrified of being successful, of being seen, of actually thriving. It was like emotional boot camp, but with Caitlin’s fierce support, I came out the other side stronger than ever. Now, I’m making decisions from a place of power, not panic, and my business is reflecting that in a big way. Caitlin doesn’t do fluff; she does transformation. If you’re ready to get real, she’s your girl."

Melissa, marketing strategist

"Before I met Caitlin, I felt like I was constantly in a battle with myself—wanting success but too scared to really go for it. Caitlin has this incredible way of seeing through the noise and getting to the heart of what’s holding you back. Through her powerful blend of shadow work and real talk, she helped me face the parts of myself that were terrified of being seen, of failing, of actually getting what I wanted. It wasn’t easy, but she was with me every step of the way, holding space for my mess and my magic. I’ve since launched my dream program, welcomed amazing clients, and, most importantly, I feel genuinely aligned with my purpose. Caitlin helped me find the courage to show up as my whole self."

danielle, coach & consulant

"When I first reached out to Caitlin, I was at my wit’s end. My business felt like it was running on fumes, and I was just going through the motions. Enter Caitlin with her no-nonsense, let’s-get-real approach. She didn’t sugarcoat anything, and that’s exactly what I needed. We dug into the deep stuff—the fears, the insecurities, the shadows that had been lurking in the background. It was intense, it was raw, but it was also the most freeing experience of my life. Now, I’m not just making more money; I’m genuinely happy in my business again. Caitlin didn’t just help me turn things around—she helped me fall in love with my work all over again

Beth, spiritual healer & mentor

"When I first came to Caitlin, I was knee-deep in all the spiritual practices—manifesting like crazy, meditating, journaling, you name it. But despite all my efforts, my finances were still stuck in a rut, and I was feeling more drained than ever. Enter Caitlin, with her no-nonsense approach and deep understanding of shadow work. She didn’t just sprinkle some mindset magic over me; she got me to roll up my sleeves and dig deep into the money fears I didn’t even realize I had. Caitlin has this uncanny ability to blend the spiritual with the practical, and that’s exactly what I needed. Now, I’ve created offerings that truly resonate with me, I’m attracting clients who match my vibe, and I’m no longer hustling myself into the ground. Caitlin showed me that real wealth starts from within, and I’m forever grateful for the transformation she helped me create."

Rachel, digital marketer

"I’ll admit it—I was skeptical about shadow work. I thought it sounded a bit too ‘woo’ for me. But Caitlin has this way of making even the woo-woo feel grounded and real. I had no idea how much my past money stories and hidden fears were sabotaging my business until Caitlin walked me through it, layer by layer. She didn’t just hand me some fluffy affirmations and send me on my way; she gave me real, practical tools to transform my mindset and my business. Now, I’m in my power, charging what I’m worth, and hitting revenue goals that used to feel impossible. Working with Caitlin wasn’t just coaching—it was a full-blown awakening. If you want results, don’t hesitate."

Liz, motherhood coach & mentor

"I’ve tried every type of coaching under the sun—mindset work, energy work, all the things—but Caitlin’s shadow work approach is in a league of its own. She’s the queen of no BS, and that’s exactly what I needed. She got me to face the sneaky ways I was holding myself back—staying small, undercharging, and hiding behind a ‘safe’ brand. After working together, I completely rebranded and upped my rates. The results? I went from 5k months to consistent 15k months within just three months. Plus, I landed three high-ticket clients in one week, which was unheard of for me. Caitlin helped me step up, speak up, and finally claim my space in a way that translates to serious cash."

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