You know you’re to create something BIG

You know you’re here to impact and change lives

You know exactly what you want and you’ve been taking those steps to create that reality

You’re getting your people amazing results, your living your purpose and your income is .. so, so (could be better)

Which is why you’re SO ready to scale to that next level of impact and income..

You’re an established entrepreneur, mentor, coach, service provider and all round bad bitch

But then.. Why are things feeling a bit… stuck?

You know how to market and sell, you’re writing content and showing up consistently, you’ve networked, podcasted and more

You’re literally doing it all

Well done baddie, you’ve made it this far.

And even though you’ve done this SO many times, you just find yourself at the exact same place and you’re left frustrated AF and defeated because how can something that lights you up so much, feel so damn hard. 

Yet.. you just keep hitting the same damn glass ceiling

It’s like no matter how good your strategy is, how much content you produce, how many emails you send, how well you show up.. for some reason you just keep finding yourself in the same freaking financial position (ugh)

So, you just keep going back to the drawing board to rejig the strategy -

Maybe it was my branding?

Was it the messaging?

I know.. I need to redo my website. 

No wait.. I need another brand shoot

It’s not about the strategy or visualizing what you want any more, you know that

That next level is about you deep diving into the shadows that are stopping you from receiving the income and clients you want.

That next level you feel so damn close to stepping into..

Feeling seen? Good, keep reading.. Because you’re in the right place if you’re ready to cut the BS excuses and step into the badass CEO you know you’re born to be..

Because here’s the real T:

That thing standing between you and your next level, 

Is not your strategy

Not your job

Not your content

Not your branding

And no, not even your partner, children, time or money.

It’s YOU.

You look like you’ve got it all figured out and like you’re killing it, but behind the scenes you feel stagnant and frustrated as to why you’re not growing any more 

When you started your business it all felt super exciting, but honestly scary af - there was a LOT going on while you learned to market, sell, deliver your services and ‘hold it all together’.. But now all that stuff that used to scare you feels like a walk in the park and now most days, you don’t feel scared at all, you feel complacent

Your complacency has leaked into your business, while you once found new ways to market, sell and show up - you now just repeat the same thing, over and over, hoping that THIS time it will be the time that your growth EXPLODES

Let me guess…

You’re starting to feel a bit over it all - mentally, you’re exhausted, but you keep showing up anyway because that’s what you ‘signed up for’ being an entrepreneur and you really do love what you do

You keep hoping that if you just work a little bit harder than you will move that needle forward, and so you muster up some extra motivation.. But before you know it, you’re completely exhausted and feeling like you need to peel yourself off the floor with a spatula..

And don’t even bother bringing up money - you’re at this point where you have just enough to make ends meet, and even though you know you want more.. Deep down it just gives you the ick and you’re not sure if it’s ever going to happen

DW, She got receipts..

It’s time to make a decision.

To go from hustler to BADASS CEO

What if, instead, you could:

Because focusing on just trying to do ‘more’ is not growing your business, right now, ‘doing more’ is what’s keeping your business stuck 

You get to grow your business without feeling stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out

You can start charging prices that create both the impact AND income you desire

You will actually get to take time off in your business so you can finally ENJOY the freedom you set out to create in the first place 

You will start attracting aligned AF clients who literally throw cash at you - instead of attracting those people who mess you around, just squeeze you for every penny or just are straight up not committed 

Have your business support not just your ‘needs’ but support you to live a life of overflow

Focus on your own personal growth and watch your business smash through that glass ceiling and finally expands to create the income and impact you want?

You are here to create massive impact and income.

And your business is the key to unleashing your magic into the world and creating that dreamy AF life you desire. It doesn’t have to feel so hard. It can feel effortless and easy to show up for every day.

It’s time to:

Start making bigger and bolder moves

Embody your potential

Execute those audacious AF goals

Feel confident in yourself and your business

Create a pleasurable and profitable business 

Sign soul aligned clients effortlessly

Charge delicious prices 

..And show up as the CEO you were born to be

I see you, you badass bitch.

“I had an idea for a business. I knew I was destined to create something amazing but I was stuck. I'd worked with Caitlin previously - and I knew she would be the best coach for me as I transitioned into the world of business owner.. I went from building a side hustle alongside my full time job to going full time in my business, being fully booked twice, matching my full time income, holding my own webinar, showing up on socials, and building an online community.

Before the program I had a small fire burning in my stomach, which I kept inside. After the program, my fire is unleashed and I am leveling up constantly.

Caitlin is a Queen! Shadow work has been a game changer for me and she's the best in the business. The container was jam-packed full of value. It gave me the space and security to find myself and bring that into my business. The other women will be lifelong friends. I wouldn't have my successful business without this container, without Caitlin. Thank you x

I went from building a side hustle alongside my full time job to going full time in my business, being fully booked twice, matching my full time income, holding my own webinar, showing up on socials, and building an online community.

What our baddies have to say about working with Caitlin


(Virtual Assistant)

Is confident AF
Knows she is worthy of all she desires
Shows up easily and effortlessly
Creates massive impact and income
Fearlessly goes after whatever the fuck she wants
Doesn’t give a fuck about what others think
Doesn’t let any BS stop her from showing up 


This is your official invitation to step into your BADASS CEO ENERGY..

A word of warning..

This is not for the faint of heart. This is for the woman who is ready to go deep and face all the BS standing between her and the business she wants. 

I do not go lightly. 

I do not beat around the bush.

I go straight for the core and rip out the BS holding you back. 

This means your whole life and business will change in just 4 months

So, if that feels super delicious and juicy to you and you know you’re here to get real results (and quickly)

And some more, receipts…


4 x monthly group calls with Caitlin 

1x Monthly Shadow Work session to identify your blindspots and integrate that shit so you stop chasing your tail and finally smash through your glass ceilings

1 x Monthly Mastermind session where you will get the opportunity to sit down with your fellow baddies and workshop your business & strategies so you can create more innovative strategies that will expand your business to the next level 

1 x Monthly Breathwork session to clear that stress, have massive breakthroughs and get into the energy of everything you desire 

Group Voxer support where you can get on the fly coaching and support so you can make those big moves 

Feel confident and magnetic AF on social media and sell your services & products effortlessly

Attract and grow your audience with soul aligned clients who are dying to work with you by just being you 

Drop the BS ‘I should’ mask and start showing up in the ways that feel easy and true for you. 

Learn to stop letting your fear of failure (or success) hold you back from creating your juicy impact and income

Quit letting everyone else shine brighter than you and start letting your badass self be seen.

Learn to stand out from the masses so you can be seen as the expert you are and charging the prices that fit your badass expertise.



Stop giving a fuck about what people think about you and show up big, bold and authentically for your business

Breakfree from imposter syndrome and the BS story that you don’t know enough to do what you want.

Feel confident AF in putting your products and services out there.

Feel excited to talk to potential clients and never doubt what you say or have to offer again.

Build a badass reputable brand that easily and effortlessly attracts new clients.

Drop the self doubt and start feeling like the expert you are.

Month 1


Start showing up as the powerful AF CEO, leader and authority in your industry.

Start charging delicious prices that feel soul aligned 

Quit feeling sleazy about sales so you can show up and sell confidently 

Drop the guilt and shame around receiving money so you can open yourself up to receive whatever the fuck you want.

Start letting money flow easily and effortlessly to you

Feel like there is an abundance of money and cash flow to support you and your goals and know exactly how to tap into it

Stop settling for the minimum and get excited to aim higher, receive more and feel aligned AF while doing it



Drop the MF money struggle and start magnetizing the income you desire.


Let the plane land

The final month is for YOU to fully integrate all the pieces that just moved the previous 3 months. During this month, it is an open space for anything else that needs extra support. This allows your nervous system to calibrate to your new level of normal so you don’t fall back into old patterns.

What makes this minimind different?

This is SO much more than that

Badass CEO is for those who are looking to not just grow their business, but to heal their relationship with themselves, power and money

Not only do you receive everything you normally would in a business mastermind - strategy, guidance and support..

The way I look at you and your biz is through the lens of shadow work - which means I look for your blindspots and your fears that keep you stuck under that glass ceiling, then we blow that shit to pieces, so not only does your business experience massive growth - so do you

This is about your healing and growth, so you can expand in an integrated and sustainable way and your business supports your financially, emotionally and spiritually.

It’s for those who know that hustling isn’t the answer and want to experience a new way of doing business 

 is now enrolling..

Here’s what you get:

4 x live monthly calls

4 x Mastermind calls for you to create more innovative offerings and strategies 

4 x Shadow Work sessions to spot your blind spots that keep you stagnant

4 x Breathwork healing and energy expansion sessions

Group Voxer Support

Lifetime access to all the replays so you can always dive deeper

Choose your investment option:


pay in full

i'm in!


Payment plan #1

i'm in!

deposit followed by


4x monthly payment plan


Payment plan #2

i'm in!

deposit followed by


8x monthly payment plan


Payment plan #3

i'm in!

deposit followed by


12x monthly payment plan

Oh how rude of me.. I haven’t even introduced myself yet!

your shadow work coach, business mentor, wealth expander, system disruptor and all around baddie

I’m Caitlin,

I specialize in helping badass women make big bold moves in their business so they can double their impact & income. 


Because as women, we are playing too small, too often.

And it’s not completely our fault - we have been born into centuries of systemic oppression that has completely disconnected us from our own personal power - and until recently, completely stripped us of our ability to make our own money and be financially independent; keeping us subjugated and dependent on those who held the money.

All of which, has really fucked up our relationship to money, power and mainly - our belief in ourselves.

However, there is some really good news

While we didn’t have control over the system we were born into - we can still take responsibility for how we play into it and disrupt the system to make change for not just in our own lives, but for all.

For the last 11 years I have studied human behavior - from completing a psychology degree, master life coaching certifications, hypnosis, NLP to working with 100s of clients, and my own massive transformations, I have a deep understanding of why humans do or do not do things - and even deeper understanding of the tools on how to change the whole direction of someone's life and business.

What I know deeply - is that these days, the biggest thing standing between you, power and financial freedom, is you.

The work that I do with you will transform and heal the way you relate to yourself, to money, to power and unlock your ability to take bigger and bolder actions so you can double your impact & income.

If you’re ready to play BIG, expand your wealth and power capacity and disrupt the systems we live in - then let’s fkn go, baddie.

And I am here to show you how.

We have more opportunities than ever before to build wealth, create financial independence and step into positions of power - and it’s time we grabbed those opportunities by the flaps (yes, I went there), reclaim that power and create businesses that support our emotional, spiritual and financial well being.

Oh, you didn’t think we were done with receipts did you?

Reflect back to you your blindspots that are keeping you stuck

Show you the path to creating massive results in your life and biz

Create a really safe space for you to deep dive into the shadows holding you back so you can break through them.

Help you step into your leadership 

Empower you to do this for yourself

Give you tools and strategies that help you break through to those next levels over and over.

Here’s what I do:

Hold your hand and force you to take action (It’s your job to walk the path, not mine)

Make your decisions for you - it’s your life and business.

Teach you basic business skills. You’re past this. 

Here’s what I don’t do:

You’re ambitious AF, courageous and ready to do what it actually takes to create the impact and income you desire.

You’ve been running your business for at least 12 months.

You already know business basics and ready to step into innovation, creativity and leadership

You get the inkling that your business growth is a direct reflection of your inner work and soul growth.

You see your work as your purpose, not just a job or just a way to make money

You’re passionate about what you do and the impact you want to make

You don’t want BS quick fixes and that airy fairy BS that doesn’t actually create sustainable change and results.

Badass CEO is for you if:

You want to make excuses and blame the strategies for why you don’t have results.

You’re not willing to dig deep and be uncomfortable in order to move forward.

You just want a quick fix solution. 

You have no idea how to run a business, get results and haven’t worked with any clients.

You still see your business as a side hustle or a hobby. 

Badass CEO is NOT for you if:

If you are ready to:

Create big impact

Receive juicy income

And step into your badass CEO energy

Join now



What time will the calls be? What if I can't make them live?

What time will the calls be? What if I can't make them live?

Calls will be 9am AEST. If you can’t make them live, you will be able to watch the replay.

What level do I need to be at to join Badass CEO?

What level do I need to be at to join Badass CEO?

To join you should know all the business basics of marketing, selling and basic strategy. Your business should be making at least 5-10k/month consistently. 

To join you should know all the business basics of marketing, selling and basic strategy. Your business should be making at least 5-10k/month consistently. 

Shadow work makes me feel nervous, is this normal?

Shadow work makes me feel nervous, is this normal?

Welcome to the club, babe! So, so normal! Your ego is going to make up a million and one stories as to why this is a bad idea, why you should wait, why this isn’t the problem - because it feels threatened and unsafe. I can 100% guarantee that when you do this work and implement it, your life will change and you will see that shadow work is not scary, it’s beautiful. 

Welcome to the club, babe! So, so normal! Your ego is going to make up a million and one stories as to why this is a bad idea, why you should wait, why this isn’t the problem - because it feels threatened and unsafe. I can 100% guarantee that when you do this work and implement it, your life will change and you will see that shadow work is not scary, it’s beautiful. 

Who do I contact for any queries?


If you have any questions please email or shoot me a DM on IG @complete_bycaitlin 

If you have any questions please email or shoot me a DM on IG @complete_bycaitlin

What if I change my mind?

What if I change my mind?

We’re confident that once you sign up for Badass CEO, you’ll be sure you’ve made the right decision. However, if for any reason you change your mind, there is a 7-day cooling-off period after you have joined. Please email

We’re confident that once you sign up for Badass CEO, you’ll be sure you’ve made the right decision. However, if for any reason you change your mind, there is a 7-day cooling-off period after you have joined. Please email